Online Education System


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Online Education System

moving minds

The online world develops, so do our education processes by getting evermore digitalised. There are obvious reasons why people choose online education platforms in this digitalised world. It offers participants an experience different from traditional education models by providing flexibility, accessibility and diversity. Participants can attend classes whenever and wherever they want, choose courses that suit their personal interests and skills, and progress at their own learning pace. This platform aims to make life easier for users by providing needed solutions to the well-known problems in the conventional education sector.

Project summary

moving minds

On online education platforms trainers, students, parents and administrators can join the system by logging in with different authorisation methods. Educators can give curriculum-compatible courses by using tools such as Zoom and jitsi. They can track the progress ratio of online registered students. They can execute online exams thanks to the possibility of collective question transfers and creation of question pools. The financial management section of the online platform can follow managers, trainers and purchases. Admin users can control the whole system and determine the earnings of the trainers. Parents can easily learn their children’s progress and exam results.